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Advanced: Integrate o/PARASHOOT using the API and CLI
Advanced: Integrate o/PARASHOOT using the API and CLI
Ben Hagen avatar
Written by Ben Hagen
Updated over a week ago

If you want to integrate o/PARASHOOT into your automated workflows or custom software there are two ways to do that:

Using the API

On macOS, o/PARASHOOT exposes two very simple to use API endpoints based on named pipes. Both are located in ~/Library/Application Support/ParaShoot.


Writing the full mountpoint to ~/Library/Application Support/ParaShoot/erase_mountpoint followed by a newline (\n) will trigger the same actions and dialogs as the corresponding actions in the drop down menu.

In bash this might look like this:

echo '/Volumes/A003XYZ1' > ~/Library/Application\ Support/ParaShoot/erase_mountpoint

In Python:

api_path = "~/Library/Application Support/ParaShoot/erase_mountpoint"
with open(os.path.expanduser(api_path), "w") as f:

erase_mountpoint with renamed files

If your app renames files on the fly, you can provide a json map with the old and new names like so:

echo '/Volumes/A002XYZ1 | {"renamed":{"":"","":""}}' > ~/Library/Application\ Support/ParaShoot/erase_mountpoint

Using the command line interface

If your workflow needs to be completely automated or for any other reason you need to run o/PARASHOOT without any user interaction you can use the CLI.

Erasing a card using the CLI

/Applications/ erase --card=/Volumes/A003XYZ1 --destinations=/Volumes/BACKUP_1,/Volumes/BACKUP_2


Use parashoot --help and parashoot --help erase to get detailed help:

/Applications/ --help

ParaShoot - The safe(-ish) card eraser

Developed by OTTOMATIC -
In collaboration with Awesome Pixels -

Usage: parashoot <command> [arguments]

Global options:
-h, --help Print this usage information.
-v, --version Print the current version

Available commands:
erase Erases a card

Run "parashoot help <command>" for more information about a command.

/Applications/ --help erase

Erases a card

Usage: parashoot erase [arguments]
-h, --help Print this usage information.
-c, --card=<path> (mandatory) Path to card
-d, --destinations=<path1,path2,...> Backup destinations (comma separated or multiple options)
-e, --erase-empty Erase card even if it is empty

Run "parashoot help" to see global options.

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